《星球大战1:魅影危机》电影配乐 序号 名称 1Star Wars Main Title and The Arrival at Naboo2Duel of the Fates3Anakins Theme4Jar Jars Introduction and The Swim to Otoh Gunga5The Sith Spacecraft and The Droid Battle6The Trip tp the Naboo Temple and The Audience with Boss Nass7The Arrival at Tatooine and The Flag Parade8He Is the Chosen One9Anakin Defeats Sebulba10Passage Through the Planet Core11Wattos Deal and Kids at Play12Panaka and the Queens Protectors13Queen Amidala and The Naboo Palace14The Droid Invasion and The Appearance of Darth Maul15Qui-Gons Noble End16The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gons Funeral17Augies Great Municipal Band and End Credits