현재 위치 - 법률 상담 무료 플랫폼 - 회사 전체 - 彭凯的论文

Peng Kai Deng Tian Ping “Research of signal tracking technology in FSO communicition” Second International Conference on space information technology v 6795, p 67951U-1-5 2007.11(EI Accession number 081911242313)

Peng Kai, Deng Tian Ping ,Lu Yimin “The research of the implement of UMTS QoS diffserv on IXP2400” Proceedings - 2005 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WCNM 2005, v 2, p 840-843, 2005(EI Accession number 06229914756)

彭凯,邓天平“DH-PIM调制和信道均衡技术在光无线通信中的应用研究”华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)v 37, n 2, p 9-12, February 2009(EI Accession number 20091311983285)

彭凯 邓天平“基于市场机制的P2P流媒体网络节点选择算法研究”微电子学与计算机2009.3,p97-101

彭凯,武娟,杨宗凯“基于p2p的流媒体直播技术研究与展望”计算机科学2009.1 p10-15

彭凯,杨彪“通用嵌入式系统服务平台调度系统研究”计算机工程2008.v34 n15 p10-12 ( INSPEC Number 10562798 )