i think music is the most fantastic thing that i like best in the world. since baroque era, music has been one of the most important of all things.for many reasons, it's so fantastic.
i think the person who invent music must be admireable. i've found that he was a great man.he shown the entire world how wonderfuol the music is!
i like music not only because it is nice. but also it has a soul.
there are many kinds of music in the world. i love all of them.it has brought me happiness.
i love music.
回答者: 薰衣草的风 - 经理 四级 4-25 22:18
I think music is the most fantastic thing that i like best in the world. Since baroque era, music has been one of the most important of all things.For many reasons, it's so fantastic.
I think the person who invent music must be admireable. I've found that he was a great man.He shown the entire world how wonderfuol the music is!
I like music not only because it is nice. But also it has a soul.
There are many kinds of music in the world. I love all of them.It has brought me happiness.
I love music.
回答者: 喂我嫁你6 - 试用期 一级 4-25 22:27
I've noticed that when I listen to certain songs I feel happier and when I listen to other songs I become caught up in my thoughts over the words being spoken in the song. I used to listen to music when I felt like it without realizing how it would affect me. I started listening to emo bands a year back... I was listening to My Chemical Romance... Fall Out Boy... and Panic at the Disco... and Blink 182... and I was starting to become really affected by the music that I listened to... I wasn't too affected by the music, it's just, that I just thought music was music and that it wouldn't affect my mood or my thoughts and I developed a habit which made me dependent on music. Later on, last year, I also thought Metal songs were cool, but, I began to listen to music too loudly, and, I started to dislike Metal songs after I started listening to Dragonforce. I now listen to music that won't affect my mood negatively and I know to not listen to a song if it will make me feel really negative... or... emotional. How much does music affect your mood? If you listened to a song that made you feel like you were worthless and you couldn't do anything would it affect your mind too, your thinking, and, your normal routine? Could the technology of music be made to make certain people feel certain ways? Could rap music be used to make a person want to commit suicide? What are your thoughts?
回答者: conankayhuang - 助理 三级 4-25 22:55 分类上升达人排行榜
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