현재 위치 - 법률 상담 무료 플랫폼 - 회사 전체 - 切割英语

切割的英语翻译为:cutting; slicing;cleavage; incision;dissection; excision。

切割词典释义:cuttingn. 剪报;插枝,插条;狭窄通道,路堑;切割,切断;割下的东西;adj. 尖酸刻薄的;严寒的,刺骨的;锋利的;v. 切割;凿成;剪短;把……切碎;划破(cut 的现在分词);n. (Cutting)(美、澳、印)卡廷(人名)slicingn. 切断,切片;限制,[电子] 限幅,cleavagen. 劈开,分裂;[晶体] 解理;[胚] 卵裂。


1、他发明了一些节省劳力的机器,比如切割机。He developed ideas for labor saving machines like?cutting?machines.

2、这些木料被切割成了大块的饰面薄板。The wood was cut into large sheets of veneer.

3、切割金属需要用功率大的锯。You need a powerful saw to cut through metal.

4、这种材料很容易用机器切割并加工成型。This material can be cut and machined easily.

5、主帆是由真正的篷布手工切割和缝制而成的。The mainsails are hand-cut and sewn from real sailcloth.

6、成千上万的坦克、大炮和装甲车将被切割成废金属。Thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armoured vehicles will be cut up for scrap.